

Digestive Aid

SKU: D34 Category:


A mild digestive aid with nutrients that may be helpful in supporting the upper digestive tract so as to promote healthy functioning to the food absorption process in the small intestine.♦

One capsule supplies:

Ingredients Amount Daily Value
Licorice Root 4:1 Standardized Extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 100 mg *
Slippery Elm Bark (Ulmus fulva) 100 mg *
Bismuth Salicylate 100 mg *
Pepsin 1:3000 65 mg *
Bromelain 1200 20 mg *
Lactase 5000 IU *
Rennin 5 mg *

Other Ingredients :
100% natural preservative-free gelatin (from hard shell capsule).

Recommendations :
Take one capsule daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

If you are pregnant or nursing consult your healthcare practitioner before use.
